Craft Mama’s

My Son’s School, St Kilda Primary is having it’s fete on October 27th this year. I put my hand up to organise the sewing bees for Craft Mama’s which is a group of mum’s who sew and knit for the fete.

I have had two sewing bees so far and having a third this week. It was so much fun, I just thought I’d share a few pics from our first sewing bee.
We ate cake, chit chatted and got a bit of sewing done. Once we have completed everything I’ll post more of the crafty stuff we have come up with.

I have a board on pinterest where I have been collecting ideas.






If you live in the Melbourne area, try to get down to our fete as it is huge! We have lots of celebrity parents who are performing. “House Husbands” favourite Rhys Muldoon, disgracefully funny mother of 5 Fiona O’loughlin, comedian Greg Fleet and the relentlessly hilarious Bev Killick will be performing just to name a few. There will be rides, talent shows, vintage clothing, craft mama’s goods, lolly stands, the list goes on. It’s a great day out!





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